Professional Work
Various pieces from my days at Pixar Animation Studios
All work here copyright by Disney/Pixar
Andy's House Early Ext Exploration for Toy Story 3

Island concept for The Incredibles

Andy's House Early Ext Exploration for Toy Story 3

Island concept for The Incredibles

Dash's classroom concept for The Incredibles
Bob's first encounter with Omnidroid layout, for The Incredibles
Bob's first battle with Omnidroid layout, for the Incredibles
WALL-e's home shading concept
WALL-e, Preproduction shading concept
Eve Shading Concept
Video game cover for Cars
Andy's room concept for Toy Story 3
Early Door Vault Concept for Monsters Inc
Early Neighborhood Concepts for Monsters Inc
SullyAndMike's Living room Concept for Monsters Inc
Whale Exterior Shading Concept for Nemo
Whale Interior Concept for Nemo
Barracuda Shading Concept for Nemo
Ant Island for A Bug's Life
Cloverforest and Grass concepts for A Bug's Life
Flik goes to the Big City Layout Concept for A Bug's Life
Francis and Dot in the Dry River Bed Concept for A Bug's Life
Work from Lolapps
For the game Ravenskye City
Loading screen concept, various artists
In game landing area, Variouls Artists
Various Artists
Character design for a client overseas
Character designs for a client